Archive | February, 2011

Burgers in Sydney

23 February 2011


Burgers in Sydney

This is the 2nd post in the “Heather Eats Sydney” series and the 7th in the “my waist line is expanding while my bank account is decreasing” series. Heather + burgers I rarely crave a burger. When I do have one, it’s usually a buffalo/bison burger — more lean and without nasty growth hormones. Turkey […]

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Gelato in Sydney

17 February 2011


Gelato in Sydney

This is the first post in the “Heather Eats Sydney” series and the 6th in the “my waist line is expanding while my bank account is decreasing” series. For months I’ve tweeted about the restaurants, cafes, and bakeries I’ve visited during my time in Sydney. Some I stumbled upon during a walk, others I read […]

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Australian Roadtrip: Ready, Set, Wait

11 February 2011


Australian Roadtrip: Ready, Set, Wait

For nearly two months I’ve been sitting on the edge of my seat, waiting to kick off an Australian road trip with two of my best friends. And in these two months, I’ve learned a lot about the process of prepping for such a trip, especially when it comes to purchasing a campervan. 1) Tell […]

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Healthy Food Stores in Sydney

7 February 2011


Healthy Food Stores in Sydney

You may not guess it from reading my posts about macarons and other sweets, but I love eating healthfully. Fresh fruits and vegetables and lean sources of protein make me smile, and I try to live gluten and dairy free as I’m sensitive to both. As much as I love healthy eats (and sweets…), I […]

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No Macaron Left Behind: 47-54

2 February 2011


No Macaron Left Behind: 47-54

This is the 4th post in the No Macaron Left Behind challenge series and 5th in the “my waist line is expanding while my bank account is decreasing” series. Quitting my job at the end of December was one of the best, albeit slightly unexpected, decisions I have made since arriving on Australian soil. I […]

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